
ICS360.Connect FlexSwitch

Industrial Software Defined Network Switches.

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Software Defined Networking

An Overview

ICS360.Connect FlexSwitch
Networking is a critical component of industrial control systems (ICS). ICS networks differ significantly from information technology networks. Unfortunately, most existing Ethernet networking-related technologies are based on information technologies and practices. While information technology networks must manage dynamic environments, ICS networks are typically less dynamic and more repeatable in terms of network communications. ICS networks control processes including factory floor automation, food processing, water and wastewater system, and electric power distribution.

Software Defined Networking (SDN), among other things, addresses reliability, visibility, data traffic control, network segmentation, and deny-by-default security.

We have adapted (SDN) to address demanding ICS requirements that traditional networking technologies are unable to do. SDN is an architectural networking concept that separates network configuration, or control plane, from the switch, or data plane. What this allows ICS network designers and engineers to do is define exactly what traffic and to which devices the traffic is allowed to flow within an ICS network. SDN technology also obsoletes complex concepts including VLANS, Spanning Trees, Network loops, and allows ICS networks to be designed to fit the requirements of the control system using standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet. Network designers and engineers are not encumbered by traditional information technology practices.

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ICS360.Connect FlexSwitch