
Automation: The Rising Star of Manufacturing

February 28, 2023

At DYNICS, we’ve spent two decades working with manufacturers to ensure that they can keep up with the latest tech transforming the industry. In today’s age, that largely concerns automation. Dive in with us as we explore the growing role of automation in the manufacturing and factory setting.

The Automation Market

Leave it to the numbers to speak to the rising popularity of automation. According to a recent report published by Allied Market Research, the global factory automation industry is expected to “generate $558.8 billion by 2031.” In the food and beverage sector alone, a CAGR increase of 10.3% is projected to occur between 2022 and 2031.

Food and beverage isn’t alone in influencing this demand for automation. The automotive industry is also turning more and more to the innovation, as are numerous other industries. While it comes with some challenges such as security and cost, automation aligns with trends from Industry 4.0 adoption to the growing need for reliable manufacturing. Therefore, it is becoming a key feature of the industrial environment.

Benefits of Automation

There are many opportunities that automation presents manufacturers with. But one of the most relevant is the “chance to alleviate the burdens of manufacturing and supply chain workers,” writes Devin Partida for Hackernoon. Partida summarizes several of the issues that automation helps to address, starting with procurement. The implementation of automation in this process can prevent disruptions in operations and ensure more efficient communication with suppliers.

Further automation technologies, such as robotics, also have the potential to diminish the impacts of labor and expertise shortages. As Partida explains, “Incorporating robots to accommodate labor shortages won’t jeopardize job security, as every year proves the industry is in need. Plus, they could cover some skill gaps while the workforce receives training.” On top of that, automation offers boosts to tasks including maintenance reviews and repairs.

The Future of Manufacturing and Automation

As we continue to learn more about the possibilities of automation, we are also experiencing the burgeoning of newer areas in manufacturing. So, the evolution of this relationship is certain to advance. For example, the demand for renewable energy is driving a spike in solar equipment manufacturing. Utility Dive reports that the Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office has recently tracked 18 solar manufacturing announcements. As these factories are established, we will see how automation supports the initiative.


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