
A Call to Arms: Shielding the Defense Industry

September 25, 2024

Reports have been unfolding around the recent strike targeting Hezbollah operatives. Carried out via exploding pagers, analysts believe that the incident “was likely the culmination of a complex intelligence operation that took months to execute,” according to Rolling Stone. Furthermore, questions have risen over exactly what point in the supply chain or manufacturing process the pagers were compromised. Regardless, what this all stirs up with regard to the defense industry is a larger call for security and quality control.

Rising Call for a Focus on Defense

These events further highlight the growing need for enhanced cybersecurity in national security and defense. In response, DYNICS is intensifying our efforts by establishing a dedicated team focused on the defense industry and government sectors. The defense industry at large seems to be the target for both private and nation-state actors. For instance, an upcoming conference of US and Taiwanese defense industries was the target of a phishing attack that was luckily thwarted ahead of time. More specifically, the emergence of space as a defense field, including satellite manufacturing, has led to the onslaught of evaluations and requirements to help protect assets. Of growing concern, AI in cyber strategies has national security experts examining vulnerabilities, software code, and more.

DYNICS and the Defense Sector

Considering all of this, DYNICS has worked to develop a comprehensive range of US- made rugged computer hardware, including rackmount servers, Panel PC’s, LCD displays, switches, and UPS/ power management as well as cybersecurity resources that provide COTS and Modified Off The Shelf (MOTS) solutions, shorter lead times, flexibility, and vertical integration. To learn more about our Defense Group and suite of products, make sure to reach out to our team at sales@dynics.com.



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